Relaxing camping and bushcraft videos are taking YouTube by storm.
This is because these kinds of videos are so satisfying to watch. These are just so good and fun to watch! What more if the host of these relaxing and mesmerizing camping and bushcraft videos is a gorgeous woman?
Victoria Outside is becoming famous now on YouTube because of her awesome video content. And also she is capturing the hearts of her subscribers and fans through her beauty and charm. This YouTube channel is simply irresistible!
In this article, you will know more about Victoria Outside.
Victoria Outside Background – Who Is Victoria?
There is not much information about Victoria of Victoria Outside available over the internet.
Victoria Outside’s real name is not available to find over the internet. However, based on our checking of her YouTube channel it appears that her real first name is “Vika” or “Viktoriya” (probably a Russian name).
By inspecting her YouTube videos’ information, it can be concluded that Victoria Outside is either a Russian or Ukrainian. She frequently uses the Russian language therefore it is more likely that Victoria Outside’s nationality is Russian.
Victoria Outside’s nationality is Russian.
However, it stated on her YouTube about info that her location is in Ukraine. Maybe in the last videos, she was living in Ukraine and her prior videos were filmed and located in Ukraine. But considering the situation in Ukraine today, it’s impossible that her recent videos were situated in the country.
How Old Is Victoria Outside?
Since there is no data publicly available about the age of Victoria Outside, we can only guess. Based on her appearance, she is pretty young around 25 to 30 years of age.
Victoria Outside is around 25 to 30 years old.
The Beginning of Victoria Outside YouTube Channel
Victoria joined YouTube as early as May of 2017, but the oldest public video on her channel was uploaded on February 1 2021.
Victoria described her YouTube channel Victoria Outside;
Welcome to my channel! My name is Victoria, I really love nature, forest, outdoor cooking, Handmade and solo Off grid advantages; In my videos, I show and improve my bushcraft skills and create a cozy atmosphere in the wild: build natural shelters for camping, cook interesting dishes on fire, upgrade woodworking with hand tools, learn survival skills and always looking for new adventures in beautiful wild locations. If you like feeling to become one with nature – Don’t forget to subscribe ☘??
Victoria Outside
Most Viewed Video of Victoria Outside on Youtube
The most viewed video of Victoria Outside on YouTube is titled “Moss roof Cabin under Snowstorm Woods │ SAMOVAR │Winter Bushcraft Camp” which was uploaded on December 11, 2021.
This video got over 4 millions of views and counting.
In this video, Victoria Outside went on a winter camping and bus craft. She made a shelter out of the woods that served as her cabin during the entire activity.
Victoria Outside described this video as;
In this video, I came to my forest bushcraft cabin early in the morning with an overnight stay, and at lunchtime I fell under the first snowstorm. It snowed unexpectedly and literally in 1 hour covered the whole forest.
She also enumerated what she does in the video during her winter camping.
- Capped the roof of the shelter from rain and snow with moss and skin;
- Closed through holes in the walls to eliminate wind and keep warm inside my moos roof cabin;
- Made opening doors and windows from tarp textile (I pre-sewed the tarp by hand at home);
- For the first time I tried tea from a wood-fired samovar, using snow instead of water and fir cones; and used a samovar as a stove for heating bushcraft camp;
- Prepared wooden branches for my future table;
- Filmed a very beautiful winter forest with your head in the clouds; -Cooked dinneron thee fire, wrapped herself ina sleeping bag and pleasant fell asleep
I managed to do all this in 1 day, I prepared only moss in advance. It was very interesting to know that the tarpaulin textile holds the air perfectly, and you can heat the room with wood-fired samovar) In general, I am very pleased my work at my winter camp) As for me, my bushcraft off-grid cabin (not yet the final result) turned out to be very beautiful and functional in the woods)
Victoria Outside Episodes Location
According to the About section of Victoria Outside on YouTube, it states there that her location is in Ukraine.
Therefore, when Victoria started her YouTube channel she was in Ukraine. And because of that, we can conclude that the first few uploads of Victoria Outside on YouTube were shot and filmed in Ukraine.
But in consideration of the conflict that has happened in the country, it is impossible that Victoria Outside’s recent episodes were located in Ukraine.

Some of Victoria Outside’s episodes were filmed in the neighboring countries of Russia such as Romania, Slovakia and others. In general, it is safe to at least assume that the location of her recent videos is in Russia.
Victoria Outside Boyfriend
Victoria is such a gorgeous lady therefore many avid fans especially men wonder if Victoria Outside already has a boyfriend.
Unfortunately, there is no information about his boyfriend or if she has a boyfriend. It is not known also whether Victoria Outside is already married or not.
Since there is no evidence available about Victoria Outside’s relationship, it is fair to assume that she is single and unmarried.
Victoria Outside may not have a boyfriend and she is an unmarried woman.
Victoria Outside Gears
There are many gears that Victoria Outside is using throughout her video uploads.
However, there is no available information as to what brand or the exact gears are. Therefore, it is hard to identify and make a list of the gears that Victoria Outside is using.
This section will be updated when appropriate data become available.
YouTube Stats and Earnings of Victoria Outside
According to SocialBlade, below is the YouTube statistics or Victoria Outside as well as her average monthly earnings.
Subscribers: Over 200K
View Count: Around 20 Million
The average monthly earnings of Victoria Outside off of YouTube ads is 2,000 USD.
Support Victoria Outside
Victoria Outside is giving viewers and fans both entertainment and relaxation, as well as inspiration. She is doing great work by putting smiles and happiness on her subscribers. Victoria deserves so much love and support.
Her videos are so relaxing and mesmerizing to watch. Victoria Outside is a rising authority on YouTube in the niche of camping and bushcraft in line with Go4x4, Rirang OnAir, Xander Bunick and others.
If only Victoria Outside has social media accounts where fans can follow her. Unfortunately, her social media accounts are unknown.
Victoria Outside Facebook – None/Unknown
Victoria Outside Instagram – None/Unknown
Nevertheless, you can always support Victoria Outside by watching her latest episodes on YouTube and subscribing to her channel. This gorgeous woman deserves more!
Maybe he’s from western Ukraine?
From the videos by the sea I suspect she is in Crimea which would explain her spoken Russian and the shop signs in the market that suggest it is in Ukraine .
Ja bi je pocastio pice i upoznao se sa njom.Mozda joj pokazati i nove vještine.Dadam se da Ce mi Victoria odgovoriti.Tko Got da je ovo napisao volio bih da Victoriji podalje moj email Grgo [email protected].I neka me kontaktira
Victoria jel mi mozes slati svoj YouTube video na mom email [email protected] Victoria koja snima videozapise iz Ukrajine.Volim te gledati Viki kako radia Nadam se da bi ti zatrebala pomoć oko nosenja tereta.