FISH13 Camping

FISH13: YouTube’s Korean Car Camping Guy

Car camping is becoming more and more popular among YouTube content creators.

This kind of camping adventure wherein a truck or car is being customized to fit the requirements of camping is getting a lot of views. There is no doubt that there is a big demand for this kind of video.

Aside from Go4x4 and other car camping YouTubers such as Yoyo Camp and Rirang OnAir, there is also this Korean guy who is having success in achieving millions of views per month.

This Korean camping guy on YouTube is FISH13.

Who Is FISH13?

There are no information about the background of FISH13 available over the internet. The only thing we are sure of is that FISH13 is a Korean national.

The real name of FISH13 is unknown as of writing.

We can also guess from the appearance of FISH13 that he is around 35 years old.

Knowing FISH13 A Lot Better

As of writing, the only interesting info about FISH13 is his passion in writing novel and his dream of becoming the best candy maker in South Korea.

On an Instagram post, FISH13 mentioned that before his YouTube career, there are things that he dreamt of doing. First, is novel writing and the second is to be the owner of the best candy store in South Korea.

The description translates in English as;

Life is a moment of dreams
Without dreams, life can't be sustained
Sometimes the dream feels like reality
There are times when I deny life itself.

I stopped writing the novel I had been writing my whole life.
It's because I can't tell reality anymore

my old dream
Became the owner of a walnut confectionery shop
It was to fill people's hearts with the smell of savory and sweet walnut cookies in the neighborhood alleys.

Bake hot walnut cookies every day
A very blurry cup of coffee
Short conversations with regular customers

I've changed my mind a bit lately.
I want to become the best candy store in Korea, but...

We can see from the Instagram posts of FISH13 that he is romantic and creative in writing. He can creatively express himself through words and phrases. FISH13 must be a good writer and author.

Surely, the novel that he is working on is beautiful. We hope he decides to finish writing it.

Most Viewed Video of FISH13

The most popular video uploaded by FISH13 on YouTube is the video titled “‘New Normal’ Car Camping in the Land Rover NEW DEFENDER 110 [ Hi-Tech Gadjet, Overland MODS ]” that was uploaded on August 15, 2021.

This video got over 3.5 million views so far as of writing.

In this video, FISH13 went on a car camping adventure and he described the video as:

Someone might laugh at me saying this isn’t camping. And one might say this is an advertising video. But this is another camping, self-advertising. ​ If you’ve experienced a variety of camping for 16 years like me, Now what are you going to choose? ​ This is just a new normal camping.

FISH13 Location

The exact location of FISH13 camping adventures is unknown.

The only thing that can be said regarding FISH13’s camping location is that those places are beautiful and relaxing. The ambience of the environment is perfect for the video theme as it makes FISH13’s YouTube episodes more satisfying.

Indeed, South Korea‘s sub-urban and rural areas are beautiful!

FISH13 Camping Cars (Land Rover Defender, Jeep Wrangler, etc.)

Like Go4x4, FISH13 also loves 4×4 trucks.

Ever since the first video of upload of FISH13 on YouTube, the car that he uses is always a 4×4 truck. There are a couple of notable 4×4 cars that FISH13 is using in his solo car camping episodes. These two 4×4 trucks are Land Rover Defender and Jeep Wrangler.

FISH13 Land Rover Defender

The Land Rover Defender of FISH13 is the car that is currently being featured in the latest episodes of FISH13.

The Land Rover Defender is a famous truck among outdoor and adventure enthusiasts. The Defender has a stylish rugged look and a cabin that is capable of being customized to the liking of the owner.

This truck is perfect for car camping videos as we can see on FISH13 YouTube channel.

FISH13 Jeep Wrangler

Another truck that FISH13 used in his YouTube videos is the Jeep Wrangler.

The Jeep Wrangler seems like the first truck choice of outdoor YouTubers. Numerous YouTube channels are featuring this car in their adventures such as Go4x4 who is an avid fan of the Wrangler.

There is no wonder about this because of the agility of the Jeep Wrangler in all-terrain situations. And also because of its striking and rugged look that is always ready to face any feats!

FISH13 Camping Gears

These are the list of FISH13 camping gears that we can see on his video uploads. These particular gears are confirmed and are the exact brands that FISH13 mentioned and used in this video.

FISH13 Outfit

FISH13 Chairs and Table

FISH13 Lighting / Lights

Other Camping Gears of FISH13

YouTube Stats and Earnings of FISH13

Here are the YouTube statistics and average monthly earnings of FISH13 taken from SocialBlade.

Subscribers: 160K

View Count: 17 Million

The average monthly earnings of FISH13 from YouTube ads is 2,000 USD.

Follow and Support FISH13

FISH13 is expected to grow its subscribers into hundreds of thousands more shortly. He is doing an incredible job of creating entertaining and relaxing solo car camping videos.

He is putting so much effort in his video production.

These efforts of FISH13 are all for his fans and subscribers who are supporting him and love him. Many fans all over the world are being inspired by FISH13’s videos.

If you are not subscribed yet to the YouTube channel of FISH13, go now to his YouTube channel and click the subscribe button. And don’t forget to watch his latest episodes.

Also, you may follow FISH13 in Instagram.

FISH13 is an awesome content creator and he deserves so much love and support!

Sharing is caring!

3 thoughts on “FISH13: YouTube’s Korean Car Camping Guy”

  1. Boa tarde TEO GT, meu nome é jefferson e moro no BRASIL e sigo o canal FISH13, um ótimo canal por sinal. Também pratico BUSHCRAFT aqui na região onde moro. Estou tentando descobrir onde o FISH13 comprou aquela “Military Pouche” que ele guarda todos os utensílios de cozinha, já tentei pesquisar mas só achei o acendedor, você consegue descobrir todos os utensílios que ele guarda nela, por favor? Principalmente a Military Pouche, o Mini Cleaver. Eu não consigo achar!!!! Obrigado, se retornar, agradeço.

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